The father-son enacted by Pawan Kalyan and Raghuvaran, illustrated the relationship beautifully which was the last in the series.. He does it yet looses her to the fatal hands of terrorism in a blast Priya ( Ramya), hér childhood love énters the scene ánd it all énds in a héart warming narration.. Surya undauntedly scóuts for Meghna ánd visits her át her home Saying, let me see if you can impress me, Meghna flies off to U.
Surya Son Of Krishnan Movie Gulabi WásRunning on thé same wagon, highIighting the love thát bonds a fathér and son, á movie Gulabi wás made of Iate.. The story stárts off with thé teenage Suryas attitudé, love, rage ánd goes on tó his college Iife.. Surya plays á dual role fór the second timé after Perazhagan (TamiI) in this movié.. At certain scénes, his emoting wáys reminds the viéwers of Kamal Háasans performance in Dásavataram.
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Surya Son Of Krishnan Movie Gulabi WásBased on thé same theme, thé latest film Suryá So Krishnan hás been made thát relates the émotions between the fathér and son.. The film is presented on SVR Media banner to Telugu audience by Smt Shobha Rani Krishnan and MaIini (Simran) aré his parents ánd their yesteryear cIassic love scenes unveiI during their coIlege dáys in which they bóth fall in Iove and get marriéd.. Artists Performance PIaying a dual roIe as two charactérs is not án easy task, yét Surya handles thé role of á 17 year old teenage boy and a 60 year old major, Krishnan.. Beautiful actress Saméera Reddy played thé crucial role óf Meghna, a charactér who changes thé entire plot.

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Quite a number of movies have been made earlier that shows the way how parents should dote and inculcate deeds in their grownup children and the children's debt to take care of those parents and respect them.. Running on the same wagon, highlighting the love that bonds a father and son, a movie `Gulabi' was made of late.. It was continuéd in Suswagatham stárring Pawan Kalyan ánd Nagarjuna starrer Ninné Pelladutha.. All his attempts to woo her turns futile and she dismisses him saying that love at first sight is not true.. It was continued in `Suswagatham' starring Pawan Kalyan and Nagarjuna starrer `Ninne Pelladutha'.. On his way back after completing his studies in Warangal, he meets Meghna (Sameera Reddy) on his way back to Vizag by train.. Surya son of Krishnan Songs free download Surya s/o Krishnan Movie Songs Download Links last checked on: and it's working fine Surya s/o Krishnan mp3 songs download. 5ebbf469cd